On my last post regarding digital video I was familiarising myself with Movie maker before working with a year 4 class.
I am glad I used it before going to the computer lab with them. Some of the students ran rings around me with their ability to navigate Movie maker. I learnt quite a few extras that I hadn't discovered by playing with it at home. I am sure the more I play with Movie maker the more expertise I will gain.
My daughter has given me persmission to publish her SOSE movie on Dr Livingstone. They created the scene, then gathered the props and created the characters. They took approx 50 still images to make this movie and then added titles, sound effects and credits. They ran out of time at the end of the term but this is a real example of what can be acheived by primary students. Enjoy!
Hi Jo
I loved your clipped I believed it would be a great activity for primary school students to do to work in ICT tools. Did they need to provided a written component with this activity?
The students were given a research and planning booklet. The stages were:
Research explorer, find an appropriate landscape using google images, design a backdrop, create a checklist of resources, dot point plan story, draw a storyboard, research and design costumes for characters, create backdrop and characters, gather props, take photos, make movie add title and credits. Overall there wasn't a great deal of written content (some writing and some drwing) but the booklet ensured students followed the necssary steps and planned well before taking photos and making the movie.
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