What is Pedagogy?
“Pedagogy is a word derived from Greek roots that literally translates to the idea of leading a child. In English, the word receives numerous definitions, most related to education. It is the art of teaching, its theory, its practice, and its methods.”
WiseGEEK, What is Pedagogy? Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-pedagogy.htm(02/12/2010)
Learning Theories
Dimensions of Learning
Dimensions of Learning is a framework or a model for creating and planning improved learning experiences for students.
DoL1 & DoL5 Relates to the classroom atmosphere and student attitudes, perceptions and habits of mind (critical, creative and self regulated thinking) creating the foundations.
Dol2, DoL3 & DoL4 – are the knowledge development phases.
DoL3- Is understanding, extending, refining and applying the knowledge
DoL4- Utilising the knowledge and applying it in a meaningful way
Dimensions of Learning, is used extensively throughout the CQU Learning Management program.
CQU Professional learning package. What is "Dimensions of Learning" and how is it used at Central Queensland University and schools? Retrieved from http://www.cqu.edu.au/dol/index.htm (02/12/2010)
Synthesis - To predict, create, invent, build or produce
Analysis – to compare, analyse, scrutinise or pull information apart
Application – chart, diagram, adapt, report or put into action
Comprehension – summarise, explain, discuss, simple comparisons
Knowledge – remember facts,recall information
Imageretrieved from http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom's+Digital+Taxonomy
Howard Gardener developed a theory that we all have a preferred way of thinking (learning style). Designing learning experiences in the classroom to appeal to the various intelligences is more likely to increase the level of engage of students. Learning experiences are usually designed using Bloom’s Taxonomy together with multiple intelligences.
De Bono’s thinking hats are a system of thinking. The thinking hat principle allows learners to look at problems and issues from differing angles. Complex decision making process which when used leads to more creative thinking, improved communications and improved decision making.
Image retrieved from http://www.12manage.com/images/picture_bono_six_thinking_hats.gif
Engagement Theory
The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks. While in principle, such engagement could occur without the use of technology, we believe that technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise. So engagement theory is intended to be a conceptual framework for technology-based learning and teaching. (Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B.1999)
Relate – Encourages team work, collaboration, communication, planning, management and social skills. Multiply perspectives and motivation
Create – Application of ideas. It is about making learning a creative and productive experience. Exposing students to real life situations.
Donate – Using what has been created or produced to contribute meaningfully to a community, organisation, school etc, whilst learning
All these learning principles (with the exception of Multiple Intelligences Theory) focus on achieving high order thinking skills in real life situations. Multiple intelligence theory is an additional tool available to learning managers to ensure student engagement in the learning experience.
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